How to Succeed From Home Almost Instantly – Titillating Tips For Stunning Home Based Profits Fast

In this article we are going to discuss how to succeed from home in astonishingly quick, rapid fire turn around time. In my view, just about everyone reading this article right now has the ability to start making money from any niche idea, large or small in the next 72-96 hours or so. It’s quick, easy and to be perfectly honest with you, contrary to what most of those overpriced gurus will tell you, it’s pretty close to free as well.

So what are the necessary requirements to turn any idea into an avalanche of eyeballs and an immediate income to boot.

You’ll need two things to start:

  1. Your own domain
  2. An autoresponder service to send a sequence of emails to your list.

How do you parlay those two seemingly disparate ideas, and an investment of about 25 dollars or so, into proverbial, push button profits?

Very easy. You set up a free WordPress blog on a subdomain or directory of your host. (remember, you can register a .info domain for 99 cents)

You install a name capture, opt in squeeze page on your root domain. (will cost about 20 bucks a month for a good commercial grade autoresponder, although you can even find them cheaper than that)

You write about 10 or 15 short articles in any niche that you so desire, keeping in mind that you WANT competition, not a little micro niche that has yet to be discovered. (diet, dating, and the like are to be embraced, not avoided)

Send all of the traffic to the name squeeze on the root domain. Post all of the articles on the blog. Offering some sort of give way as an enticement is obviously a great way of inducing people to sign up for your list, but you can even offer the IDEA of something coming later which surprisingly, still works very well…:-) (i.e. – sign up for our upcoming course on X)

Lastly – you simply follow up each day to the people who signed up for your list. Drive the sequence back to the articles that you wrote on the blog, and of course, pick a profitable affiliate program to offer on each and every post as well. (which is where most of you will make your money – although you certainly can sell your OWN services as well, which is what I typically do!)

That’s it – this works phenomenally well, and this article, if you follow it to fruition, is this exact strategy exemplified!

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Custom Home Vs Semi-Custom Home

I am often amazed when I show homes in South Florida that buyers actually plan to tear out the cabinets, junk the appliances and replace the flooring in homes that are relatively new. They are reacting to South Florida builder’s choices; inexpensive items bought at bid prices in bulk. Between […]
Custom Home Vs Semi-Custom Home

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