Mobile App Development – Trends to Watch Out for

Mobile devices have become more main-stream and more and more businesses are adopting the mobile first mindset. Mobile applications are no longer considered as an optional investment, but a necessity. Many businesses depend on this channel to boost revenue and meet customer demands. Ever since the business practices have shifted to a more mobile approach, mobile apps are in great demand and user expectations from mobile apps are higher than ever.

Going beyond mobiles

As smartphone users continue to surge, the numbers of mobile apps present in the market are increasing at an exponential rate. In today’s world, mobile apps are developed not only for the smartphones, but also for a myriad of other smart devices that are interconnected – such as smart TV and other IoT enabled devices.

Progressive Web Apps gaining in popularity

A progressive web app is an application that runs on a web browser. This means that as soon as users access the mobile app, they can instantly start using it, as opposed to native apps that users need to download and install before they actually get to use it.

Android instant apps becoming more common

Google recently announced Android Instant Apps which enables Android apps to run instantly. The good part is that these apps do not need to be downloaded and installed on the mobile device. They run instantly. For example, if you receive a link from a friend, you can instantly view the app without having to install an app for it. This means that these apps are run-only-as-you-need and are a new revolution in the app industry as a whole.

Beacons and location based technology will continue to rise

Location based beacon technology has been on the rise in the past few years and has been a boon to many businesses. Beacons especially enable retailers to bridge the gap between the in-store and the online experience for their shoppers. They collect valuable data, send location based push notifications and can also be used to send customized notifications to potential customers and attract a whole new set of return customers too.

The rise of augmented reality and virtual reality

This is the very obvious new trend – AR development will definitely be the future of mobile development. It can be used to influence the customers in engaging and meaningful ways. AR will not be limited to promotions and marketing, but also will be integrated into a number of utility apps and functions.

IoT apps will surge with smart home technology

Smart homes include smart devices all interconnected to function well. IoT apps will definitely see a surge as more and more smart devices are connected.

App security is a top priority

With all the interconnected devices working seamlessly, data can be accessed from anywhere and at anytime. This makes security of your application a top priority while development.

Well, mobile apps development is an ever evolving field and you must ensure that you are up to date with the latest trends in this field.

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