Creating Your Scrapbook Layouts in Three Simple Steps

From simple designs to basic scrapbooking techniques, these comprise the best scrapbook page layout ideas for beginners. Scrapbooking layouts are important because they serve as your palette. You can draw attention and seek interest through it. You can also convey compelling and inspiring messages by means of journaling. Besides, scrapbookers are comparable to artists… they draw on blank canvases with the help of pictures and various embellishments.

You may choose to scrimp on chosen materials and use whatever resources you have within your drawers like photographs, unused buttons or leftover beads. You can also choose to buy starter kits that come with corresponding patterned and colored paper. Both are actually great ideas to consider, but you can further improve your scrapbook layouts with the help of the following tips.

Build yourself a theme

Themes are like subjects. You need to have a focus or central theme for a scrapbooking layout page. It does not have to be that complicated as you can use any photograph based on your liking. Decide on a specific photograph first. And if you are about to use multiple photos in your page, it is always better to choose pictures that are somewhat related.

Generally, a typical layout can consist of about three to six pictures based on standard measurements. For more photos, using a two-page spread layout is deemed best. Remember that you do not have to utilize all your available pics. Just choose one or two photos, which you feel are fun and are of good quality.

Layout Planning and Photo Arranging

A layout is never complete without a focal point. In this particular case, it should be your main photo. Remember that a good layout design speaks of balance and continuity in terms of choices for patterns and colors. Photo cropping and arranging are also considered valuable.

Having a focal point does not mean that your picture should always be placed at the center of the page. You can choose to place pictures in a more unconventional way. You can slant, tilt or place pictures unevenly. Putting a photo on top of another is also an alternative.

Choosing the right patterns likewise creates that perfect illusion for a scrapbooking page. By working with one or two photos along with a number of embellishments, continuity and balance becomes more possible. The concept of balance is also suggestive of what photos and embellishments to include or exclude. More so, it is like imagining what the entire page looks like once all items are used.

Color Coordination

Selecting a background for your layout is crucial if you want to do scrapbook pages on your own. You can start by referring to your main photo. Try to see relevant shades and pick out the nearest colors or scheme as background options. You can try to base your color choices on the selected theme as if creating a vivid memory of what transpired in that photo. Color coordination is also crucial as it perfectly sets the tone of the page as well as the mood.

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